Industrial Equipment

Benefiting from an international supply chain, Karen has a wide successful experience in supplying equipment and parts for industrial projects.

Sales & Marketing

Perhaps you supply several products, but you don’t have any export experience.You might be a very capable manufacturer with competitive products in international markets, but you are not familiar enough with export sales and marketing.Probably, you are a producer, but your production is tuned only to meet the expectations of your local market, while many […]

Export-Import Administration

You may have your goods and customers but you need a comprehensive contract to minimize the risks of your trade.You’ve probably bought some products from Iran or sold some to this country but you don’t know how to manage settlements and cargo delivery.Maybe you don’t have a company or legal authorizations for international trade but […]

Business Solutions

How can we buy from Iran?How can we import comfortably?How can we calculate final prices?How can we minimize shipping costs?Where should we buy from to achieve the highest margins?Can we barter our products with our desired ones?How can we sell our products in the Iran market? Karen operating team will listen to you attentively to […]

Sourcing & Procurement

Maybe you need some quotations for a product to see if you can start working on it …Probably you want to check out and learn more about the different qualities of some products …Perhaps you need to compare the operating costs of different approaches to estimate final prices more realistically … Karen’s sourcing team has […]